Friday, 12 January 2007

I'm a new BLOGGER!

Creation of a new

Or so I have been told by many far more intellectual types than myself which when all is said and done doesn't leave that many!

Why am I Blogging I hear you ask? Well up until a few weeks ago I would have most probably thought it was something to do with Phil Mitchell, from Eastenders and a van on Wansted Heath.
However I am reliably informed that is Dogging.....a mere slip of the tongue......Moving swiftly on.
A friend from work introduced me to the Blog world, and I thought that I should give it a go dragging myself into the Techno Age with a smile on my face and a happy disposition.
Of course since he showed me how to use it....I seem to have forgotten most of it already, so if you find yourself reading this, it truely is a small step for mankind.
Kev you know who you are........
So I will quit with the lengthy introduction and will of course welcome any comments or help.
I thank you.

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